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History of KIDZ Inc. 

KIDZ Inc. was founded in 2008 by Lisa Vescovi. In November 2023, KIDZ Inc. was purchased by Brandon and Tana Betts. Tana operates the center's daily business. The center is focused on developing and educating children 0-12 years of age. The center is over 10,000 square feet and sits on 1 acre of land. The center is licensed for 145 children and employs approximately 30 people.



KIDZ Inc. is an early childhood development program integrated with the convenience of day care. Our KIDZ Inc. family consists of these facets: The children, their families and the teacher/staff. Our program values each of these facets equally and is devoted to their development. We also recognize and value our role in the community. 


Preschool Programs
(Children approximately 0-18 months)

Our program for infants is based on the latest brain research. We know the importance of stimulation at this early age. These children are stimulated with a variety of music including children’s and classical. The teachers read to them often. They are given many objects to sense by means of touch, taste, smell, hear and sight which promotes the development of the brain. Our infants will also be introduced to sign language as early as five months. Sign language is used in cooperation with verbal language. Studies have proven that children exposed to sign language increase their verbal skills dramatically. Each infant will receive plenty of individual time which includes language communication, stretching, exercises and infant massage. These children will be provided with lots of love and encouragement in developing their new skills. The ratio of children to teachers is 4 to 1 with a maximum class size of 8. Diapers are routinely changed every two hours and at any indication of a bowel movement. They will be fed according to their individual schedule and parent specifications. We also support breastfeeding. The teachers will partner with the families to ensure continuity between home and school. The parents will be informed daily of their child’s activities through an app called Brightwheel. 


(Children approx. 12-30 months)

There are many skills acquired at this stage of a toddler’s development, as well as their desire for independence. Our program focuses on developing these new skills while fostering the child’s need to do for themselves. The children begin to feed themselves, use sippy cups, sleep on cots and complete small tasks, such as putting away a toy. They are stimulated with a variety of activities to satisfy their short attention span. The toddler class includes lots of physical exercise to increase their large motor skills and introduces smaller manipulatives to increase their fine motor skills. Excellent early childhood development toys provide vital stimulation in developing these fine motor skills as well as the brain. Stimulation continues through this stage and additional emphasis is focused on language development. This development is achieved through music, children’s books, peer interaction and sign language. Sign language is introduced as early as 5 months and will be reinforced in all our classrooms. The learning environment is designed to enable the children to develop in a “safe and soft” atmosphere. This exceptional development program is integrated with first rate care for the toddler. The child to teacher ratio is 4 to 1 with a maximum class size of 8. Parents will be informed of the child’s day through an app called Brightwheel. 


(Children approx. 24-40 moths)

The program for two and three-year old children provides many stimulating activities to facilitate their development. We will do many “hands on, mind on” activities which include sorting, counting, marching to music and painting. Our program addresses every area of the child’s development. The environment is rich with developmentally stimulating toys to help facilitate their development. The NIFITI system, along with many other manipulatives, is used to promote fine motor skills and math concepts. We help children build their language skills by speaking with them and reading a lot of books. We will continue to assist these children in their quest for independence by fostering other life skills, such as: learning to dress themselves, put away their things and serve snacks. Children may participate in class celebrations with special guests. The child to teacher ratio is 8 to 1 with a maximum class size of 16. Each child receives a daily report indicating how they did that day through Brightwheel. It informs families of the menu, activities and diaper changing/potty development for the day. 


(Children approx. 3-5 years) 

The program for children that are three to five years of age is a structured center-based program. The kids start the morning with circle time and structured activities. Some of these activities, based on weekly themes, focus on animals, books, seasons and letters of the alphabet. Our program uses songs, books, and manipulative to help the child learn and grow. The centers we provide include blocks, reading, dramatic play sensory, science, music and art. The centers allow the children to learn and explore through play. The child to teacher ratio for this age group is ten to one with a maximum class size of 20.  Our job is to prepare and help develop each child to be successful in a school environment.  Each child will receive a daily report indicating how they did for that day through Brightwheel.  It will inform you of the menu, activities, quiet time, behavior and upcoming events.

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